Modificare immagini con ai usando Dall-E 3 e ChatGPT

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OpenAI continues to expand the capabilities of its ChatGPT chatbot, this time adding new tools to edit and customize images generated by the artificial intelligence DALL-E. In a significant update, ChatGPT users can now directly edit the illustrations created with DALL-E without having to exit the chatbot interface. This AI image editing feature will be available on both the web version and the mobile apps of ChatGPT for iOS and Android.

Modificare immagini con ai usando Dall-E 3 e ChatGPT

Looking at the article, you can find a video tutorial illustrating this new feature that allows image editing with AI using DALL-E 3 and ChatGPT.

But the news doesn't stop there. OpenAI has also introduced a series of preset styles for DALL-E, which should streamline and inspire the image creation process through AI. These stylistic presets will function similarly to AI-generated wallpaper suggestions on Android.

The integration of DALL-E into ChatGPT, which took place in October 2022, was part of OpenAI's strategy to make its powerful image generation model more accessible. With this latest update, the company seems to be making DALL-E even more user-friendly, allowing less experienced users to refine and customize their AI creations directly within the ChatGPT interface.


Edit images with AI - DALL-E 3 and ChatGPT

OpenAI has introduced two exciting updates for the integration of DALL?·E in ChatGPT. The first concerns the ability to edit images generated through the AI model, while the second offers suggestions on styles to adopt for created content. These features are exclusively available to premium subscribers of the chatbot. At present, it is unclear if and when they will be accessible to all accounts, including free ones.

These tools allow, for example, selecting one or more parts of the image to make specific changes. After making the desired changes, simply input a new prompt with instructions for the system.

This update is available on both the Web interface and the mobile apps of ChatGPT for Android and iOS.

Edit images with AI - Video tutorial

YouTube Video

Finally, the ability to correct and modify images created with DALL-E 3 (found within ChatGPT) has arrived, allowing for edits that were once impossible.

Previously, when requesting a modification to the image created, it would be completely overhauled and redone, resulting in significantly different outcomes (sometimes better, sometimes worse). Now, it's possible to affect only a single aspect through a selection brush, and delete, modify, or redo what is necessary.

Edit images with AI - Selective edits possible

Finally, the possibility to correct and modify images created with DALL-E 3 in a selective manner has arrived, allowing for edits that were once impossible. Previously, requesting a modification involved completely redoing the image, but now it's possible to act on individual aspects, such as the color of an object or the expression of a person, while keeping the rest of the image unchanged.

You can remove unwanted parts or subjects, leaving the rest unchanged. Currently, this function applies only to images created by the AI and not to uploaded photos, but hopefully, it will be extended to allow corrections within ChatGPT as well.

Edit images with AI - Experiments with selection tools

Modificare immagini con ai usando Dall-E 3 e ChatGPT - Mr Paloma
Much-awaited selective editing tool. Previously, changing an aspect required recreating everything, but now it's possible to select the area of interest with the brush and delete, modify, or replace only that part.

We'll try changing the color of an object or the expression of a person, keeping the rest unchanged; if we select the face, we can replace it with that of a younger person, leaving the background and surrounding objects unchanged.

Edit images with AI - Partial editing

We can selectively erase elements. It's also interesting to edit only the background; for example, it's possible to turn the landscape into an enchanted forest while keeping the subject.

Certainly, sometimes a more detailed prompt is needed, but it's already possible to make significant changes to an image by intervening only on individual aspects. These tools will prove increasingly useful.

Edit images with AI - Sources

Now you can EDIT images in Dall-E 3 and ChatGPT!
Editing DALL?·E Images in ChatGPT
Editing your images with DALL?·E

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Dall-E è un modello di intelligenza artificiale sviluppato da OpenAI per generare immagini a partire da descrizioni testuali. È stato integrato in ChatGPT per consentire agli utenti di creare e personalizzare immagini direttamente tramite il chatbot..

OpenAI ha introdotto la possibilità di modificare direttamente le immagini generate da Dall-E utilizzando gli strumenti di editing integrati in ChatGPT. Gli utenti possono ora apportare modifiche selettive, come cambiare il colore di un oggetto o cancellare parti non desiderate, senza dover ricreare completamente l'immagine..

Attualmente, queste funzionalità sono disponibili esclusivamente per gli utenti con un abbonamento premium a ChatGPT. Non è chiaro se e quando saranno accessibili a tutti gli utenti, inclusi quelli con account gratuiti..

Gli utenti possono selezionare una o più parti dell'immagine utilizzando gli strumenti di selezione integrati e apportare modifiche specifiche, come cambiare il colore di un oggetto o l'espressione di una persona, mantenendo invariato il resto dell'immagine..

Al momento, queste funzionalità si applicano solo alle immagini generate da Dall-E all'interno di ChatGPT e non a immagini caricate dall'utente. Tuttavia, potrebbe essere esteso in futuro per consentire correzioni anche su immagini caricate..

Gli utenti possono accedere a queste funzionalità direttamente tramite l'interfaccia web di ChatGPT o attraverso le app mobili per Android e iOS..

Le nuove funzionalità consentono agli utenti di apportare modifiche precise e selettive alle immagini generate da Dall-E, migliorando la personalizzazione e la qualità delle creazioni AI. Ciò offre maggiore flessibilità e controllo agli utenti nell'editing delle loro immagini..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 04/04/2024 - Modificare immagini con ai usando Dall-E 3 e ChatGPT

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