Creare oggetti 3D con intelligenza artificiale. Tutorial Luma Genie

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Creare oggetti 3D con intelligenza artificiale. Tutorial Luma Genie
This video tutorial explains in a simple and clear way how to use an extraordinary free tool called Luma that allows you to generate complex 3D models simply starting from a textual description.

Thanks to the Genie feature of Luma, it is enough to enter a few words of text to obtain in a few minutes a detailed and high-quality 3D model. No technical or artistic skills are required, Luma is able to transform ideas and concepts into three-dimensional objects automatically.

The video guides step by step on how to use the interface of Luma Genie and how to optimize the results by playing with short or long prompts, more or less detailed. You can request variations and modifications to the generated objects until you get the desired result.

The created models can be saved in various standard formats and used for 3D printing, 3D graphics, augmented reality, video games, rendering, advertising, and e-commerce. The potential of this free tool is enormous both for creatives and companies.

The video explains all the secrets of Luma Genie in a clear and accessible way for everyone, even for those with no previous experience in 3D modeling. It's truly amazing to see how a simple phrase can generate complex and detailed models.


Creating 3D Objects with Artificial Intelligence - Luma Genie

Luma Labs, an innovative startup, has developed a new model of artificial intelligence for 3D text. This AI tool allows you to transform a simple phrase or word into an object that you can 3D print or use in a video game.

Called Genie, the tool creates a wide range of outputs, including files that can be opened in 3D modeling applications for modifications, adding new textures, or integration into other models.

The tool is available on the Luma website, as an iPhone app where you can also use the camera to capture 3D models of your real objects, or through the Luma community Discord server.

With the web version, you have the option to improve the quality of the newly created model up to HD, download it in a variety of formats, or generate different versions if the first one doesn't work; currently, it is free to use.

Creating 3D Objects with Artificial Intelligence - Video Tutorial

YouTube Video

Can a simple text or idea turn into a 3D object? Yes, thanks to Luma Ai's Genie tool.

The text can be long or short, detailed or simpler (in the video, we see all the examples), but the results are very good once you experiment a bit and find the right prompt.

Creating 3D Objects with Artificial Intelligence - How to Create 3D Objects

Among the main steps to create 3D objects with artificial intelligence, we can find

Introduction to Luma Genie and its capabilities

The capabilities of Luma Genie are extraordinary. It is a free tool that allows you to create complex 3D models simply by entering a textual description. No artistic or technical skills are required. Just write a few words to get a detailed and quality 3D model in a few minutes. The possibilities are enormous: the models can be used for 3D printing, 3D graphics, augmented reality, video games, rendering, and much more. The interface is simple and accessible to everyone.

Practical examples of use

Various examples of prompts inserted are shown, starting from very simple requests like a medieval castle to more elaborate prompts. It is impressive to see how a few words generate surprisingly complex and realistic 3D models. It is explained how to obtain variations and how to improve the quality from low to high resolution.

Tips for optimizing results

Useful tips are given on how to structure the prompts to get the desired results. It's better to use English rather than Italian. You can start from examples already present in the gallery and modify them. You need to experiment with more or less long and detailed texts to find the right balance. The program also allows you to apply changes and cleaning to the models.

Export formats and use of models

How to export the models in standard formats to be used at best. The models can be opened with various 3D modeling software and printed in 3D. They can also be used for 3D graphics, video games, augmented reality, rendering, and e-commerce. The possibilities are endless.

Creating 3D Objects with Artificial Intelligence - Sources

How to Create AMAZING 3D Objects from Text or Ideas. Luma Genie Tutorial

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Risposta: Luma Genie è uno strumento gratuito sviluppato da Luma Labs che utilizza intelligenza artificiale per generare modelli 3D a partire da descrizioni testuali..

Risposta: Luma Genie permette di creare modelli 3D complessi e dettagliati in pochi minuti, senza richiedere competenze tecniche o artistiche. I modelli generati possono essere utilizzati per stampa 3D, grafica 3D, realtà aumentata, videogiochi, rendering, pubblicità ed e-commerce..

Risposta: Basta inserire una descrizione testuale nel programma e Luma Genie si occupa di generare il modello 3D corrispondente. Si possono sperimentare prompt brevi o lunghi per ottenere risultati diversi..

Risposta: I passaggi principali includono l'introduzione a Luma Genie e le sue potenzialità, esempi pratici di utilizzo, consigli per ottimizzare i risultati e l'export dei modelli nei formati standard..

Risposta: Luma Genie è disponibile sul sito web di Luma, come app per iPhone e tramite il server Discord della comunità Luma. La versione web consente di migliorare la qualità del modello, scaricarlo in diversi formati e generare diverse versioni gratuitamente..

Risposta: Sì, Luma Genie è progettato per essere accessibile a tutti, anche a coloro che non hanno esperienza nella modellazione 3D. La sua interfaccia è semplice e intuitiva..

Risposta: Luma Genie può essere utilizzato in una vasta gamma di settori, tra cui design, stampa 3D, grafica 3D, videogiochi, realtà aumentata, rendering, pubblicità ed e-commerce. Le sue potenzialità sono praticamente illimitate..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 15/02/2024 - Creare oggetti 3D con intelligenza artificiale. Tutorial Luma Genie

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