Condividere un post su facebook su piu pagine

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Condividere un post su facebook su piu pagine
Finally, Facebook has resolved, at least partially and for the desktop version, an issue affecting the new page experience and post sharing.

Sharing content on Facebook is crucial for increasing visibility and reaching as many people as possible. However, it can often be challenging to share the same post on multiple pages, especially since Facebook introduced the new page experience. In our recent article How to configure Facebook's new pages, we detailed this change that transformed old business pages into separate profiles.

This has made cross-posting of posts between different pages and personal profiles more difficult. Until now, to share a post from one page to another, it was necessary to log in with your personal profile, view the desired post, and only then share it on the other page. A lengthy and cumbersome process that, fortunately, Facebook has partly addressed, at least for the desktop version.

Now it's possible to create a post on your personal profile and immediately share it on up to 4 different pages, saving a lot of precious time. This is a very useful feature, especially for those who, as highlighted in the ranking of the most influential users compiled by Social Blade, manage several interconnected business pages.

In this post, we will analyze in detail how to take advantage of this new opportunity to quickly share your Facebook posts on multiple pages simultaneously. We will see step by step how to proceed from your personal profile and what the current limits of this feature are, available only on desktop and not yet on mobile apps.

The function is only available on the desktop version of Facebook, but it might be extended to the mobile app in the future. This new feature significantly saves time, allowing sharing on multiple pages with just one click.


Share a post on Facebook - Cross-posting

Facebook's new cross-posting feature allows the simultaneous publication of content on multiple Pages. It's possible to cross-post to Pages with which this type of relationship has already been established or of which you are an administrator.

To analyze the performance metrics of cross-posted content, you need to consult the insights of the main Page. Administrators of other Pages involved in cross-posting can only view data related to their specific Page.

To publish new content on multiple Pages simultaneously, simply click on Create post, select the Publish video on multiple Pages option, choose a main Page, and the other destination Pages.

At this point, you can upload, edit, and schedule the publication of cross-posted content. The same process applies to content already published.

Share a post on Facebook - Video tutorial

YouTube Video

Until now, sharing a post from a private profile to a page (or on multiple pages) was complicated and especially cumbersome. Today, it's no longer the case because you can create a post on your profile and immediately share it on one or more pages (up to 4 at the moment).
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Share a post on Facebook - Sharing

Facebook's Share button is an essential tool for businesses looking to increase visibility and engagement on social media.

The Share button allows users to easily share other users' content on their timelines. When a user clicks the Share button, they are directed to a Facebook page that allows them to choose how to share the content. They can choose to share it immediately with their friends, send it as a message, or share it on a specific page or timeline.

For businesses, sharing is a valuable form of engagement. When someone shares a brand's content, they contribute to promoting the brand and reaching a wider audience. Sharing can also lead to increased traffic to the brand's website and higher conversions.

To create a Share button for their website, businesses need to visit Facebook's Share page and generate a code to insert into the backend of the site. The code can be customized to include a share counter, showing how many people have shared the content.

It's important to measure and monitor the results of sharing to determine which type of content generates the most engagement. With tools like Sprout Social, businesses can see how many shares each of their posts receives and determine which content is most effective in reaching their target audience.

Facebook's Share button is a powerful tool that businesses can use to increase visibility and engagement on social media. With proper planning and monitoring, businesses can use the Share button to achieve their marketing goals.

Here are some tips for using the Share button effectively:
Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience.

Use images and videos to make your content more engaging.

Ensure that your content is easily shareable. Use clear and concise language and include a clear call to action.

Promote the sharing of your content on social media. You can do this by sharing your posts on your social channels and encouraging your followers to share them.

You can fully leverage the potential of the Share button to promote your brand and achieve your marketing goals.


How to SHARE a FACEBOOK POST on multiple pages
How to configure Facebook's new pages

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La funzione di Cross-Posting di Facebook consente di pubblicare contenuti simultaneamente su più Pagine. È possibile effettuare il cross-posting verso Pagine con cui si ha già stabilito questo tipo di relazione, oppure di cui si è amministratori.*.

Per pubblicare nuovi contenuti su più Pagine contemporaneamente, clicca su Crea post, seleziona l'opzione Pubblica video su più Pagine, scegli una Pagina principale e le altre Pagine di destinazione. Puoi caricare, modificare e pianificare la pubblicazione dei contenuti cross-postati.*.

Dalla tua Pagina personale, crea un post e utilizza l'opzione di condivisione su più pagine (fino a 4 al momento). Questo ti permette di risparmiare tempo prezioso nel processo di condivisione..

Sì, al momento la funzione è disponibile solo sulla versione desktop di Facebook, ma potrebbe essere estesa alle app mobili in futuro..

Il pulsante Condividi è uno strumento essenziale per aumentare la visibilità e il coinvolgimento. Per utilizzarlo, fai clic sul pulsante e scegli come condividere il contenuto: con amici, come messaggio, o su una pagina o un diario specifici..

Le aziende devono visitare la pagina Condividi di Facebook e creare un codice personalizzato da inserire nel backend del sito. Possono anche personalizzare il codice per includere un contatore di condivisioni..

Crea contenuti di alta qualità e rilevanti per il tuo pubblico. Utilizza immagini e video per rendere i contenuti più coinvolgenti. Assicurati che i tuoi contenuti siano facilmente condivisibili con un linguaggio chiaro e un invito all'azione. Promuovi la condivisione sui social media condividendo i tuoi post e incoraggiando i tuoi follower a fare lo stesso..

er analizzare le metriche di performance di un contenuto cross-postato, consulta gli insights della Pagina principale. Gli amministratori delle altre Pagine coinvolte vedranno solo i dati relativi alla loro Pagina specifica..

Al momento, la condivisione su più pagine contemporaneamente è limitata a un massimo di 4 pagine. Verifica gli aggiornamenti futuri per eventuali modifiche a questo limite..

Al momento non c'è una data specifica, ma potrebbe essere estesa alle app mobili in futuro. Monitora gli annunci ufficiali da parte di Facebook per ulteriori informazioni..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 12/03/2024 - Condividere un post su facebook su piu pagine

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