SFTP VB Net come cancellare un file

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SFTP VB Net come cancellare un file
Per poter realizzare una funzione che permetta di cancellare un file su un SFTP server abbiamo utilizzato la libreria SharpSSH.

Per sapere cos'è SharpSSH
SharpSSH is a pure .NET implementation of the SSH2 client protocol suite. It provides an API for communication with SSH servers and can be integrated into any .NET application.
The library is a C# port of the JSch project from JCraft Inc. and is released under BSD style license.

SharpSSH allows you to read/write data and transfer files over SSH channels using an API similar to JSch's API. In addition, it provides some additional wrapper classes which offer even simpler abstraction for SSH communication.

fonte SharpSSH

Il codice che abbiamo dovuto sviluppare per permettere l'eliminazione di un file su server SFTP è stato il seguente.

Generazione della classe per che derivante da SshTransferProtocolBase
Public Class SshTransfer
Inherits SshTransferProtocolBase

Public Sub New(ByVal sftpHost As String, ByVal user As String, ByVal password As String)
MyBase.New(sftpHost, user, password)
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub Cancel()
Throw New Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.")
End Sub

Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ChannelType As String
Return "sftp"
End Get
End Property

Public Overrides Sub [Get](fromFilePath As String, toFilePath As String)
Throw New Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.")
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub Mkdir(directory As String)
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub Put(fromFilePath As String, toFilePath As String)
Throw New Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.")
End Sub

Public Function sftpChannel() As ChannelSftp
Return CType(m_channel, SharpSsh.jsch.ChannelSftp)
End Function

Public Function Delete(ByVal path As String) As Boolean
Dim bRet As Boolean = False

bRet = True

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

Return bRet

End Function
End Class

Per poter utilizzare questa classe e quindi realizzare il metodo DeleteFile abbiamo creato questa funzione
Public Function DeleteFile(ByVal DeleteFilePath As String, ByRef sErrorSftp As String) As Boolean
Dim bRet As Boolean = False
Dim sshTran As SshTransfer = Nothing

sshTran = New SshTransfer(sHostSFtp, sNomeUtenteSFtp, sPasswordSFtp)

If Not sshTran.Delete(DeleteFilePath) Then Throw New Exception("Errore cancellazione del file")

bRet = True

Catch ex As Exception
sErrorSftp = "Errore durante la download " & vbCrLf & ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace

If Not IsNothing(sshTran) Then sshTran.Close()
sshTran = Nothing

If Not IsNothing(sshCp) Then sshCp.Close()
sshCp = Nothing

End Try

Return bRet
End Function

Salsomaggiore Terme (Programmazione) - 03/11/2012 - SFTP VB Net come cancellare un file
Written by Mokik
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