This book has accompanying online files for Angular 9 and 10; all examples in the book work without changes in Angular 10.

Welcome to this one-stop-shop for learning Angular. Pro Angular is the most concise and comprehensive guide available, giving you the knowledge you need to take full advantage of this popular framework for building your own dynamic JavaScript applications.

The fourth edition of this popular, full-color guide explains how to get the most from Angular, starting with an in-depth overview of the MVC pattern and presenting the range of benefits it can offer. From there, you will begin learning how to use Angular in your projects, starting with the nuts-and-bolts concepts, and progressing on to more advanced and sophisticated features. Each topic in this full-color book provides you with precisely enough learning and detail to be effective. In true Adam Freeman style, the most important features are given full court press treatment, while also addressing common problems and how to avoid them.

Pro Angular 9: Build Powerful and Dynamic Web Apps

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