Crea musica con intelligenza artificiale di Loudly ed inizia a guadagnare

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Crea musica con intelligenza artificiale di Loudly ed inizia a guadagnare
Loudly is a cutting-edge tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to make music creation accessible and intuitive. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of this innovative platform.

The music generator, the centerpiece of the platform, will be the focal point of our analysis. Thanks to it, it is possible to bring musical pieces to life from scratch, simply by selecting parameters such as genre, instruments, and tempo. This function is an extraordinary opportunity for those who wish to experiment and generate fresh and innovative musical ideas.

Furthermore, we will explore the extensive customization possibilities offered by Loudly. This tool allows users to access generated tracks and completely modify them according to their tastes and needs. You can intervene on elements such as drums and effects, or transform existing tracks in the library. This flexibility is a convenient option for perfecting one's compositions and adapting them to best suit their creative intentions.

We will also examine the importance of distribution and monetization for professional users. Loudly offers various paid plan options with advanced features, allowing users to spread their music on major online stores and manage their earnings. These aspects are particularly relevant for YouTubers and content creators who wish to use music professionally.

Table of Contents

Create Music with Artificial Intelligence by Loudly - Video Tutorial

YouTube Video

Loudly is an amazing tool of Artificial Intelligence that allows creating completely original music easily and quickly. You can bring your music to life either starting from lyrics or selecting the genre, instruments, tempo, and much more.

What makes Loudly extraordinary is its ability to offer total control over all these elements, allowing you to create a unique musical mix always ready to be used in various situations, whether on platforms like YouTube and TikTok or for distribution on music services like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. With the paid plan, you can even distribute your own music and earn from the revenue it generates.

Creating songs with Loudly is a simple and intuitive experience. Unlike Suno, Loudly offers a diverse range of musical styles and creative possibilities. It's definitely a tool to try out: with a free plan that allows generating up to 25 songs per month, it's the perfect opportunity to discover if it fits your creative needs.

How to Create Music with Loudly

Loudly's music generator allows creating original pieces in an extremely simple and fun way. You can start from scratch, first selecting the musical genre you desire, whether it's pop, rock, electronic, or any other.

Then you can decide which instruments to include in the composition, such as percussion, bass, guitar, piano, or strings. Additional options concern the song's structure, beats per minute tempo, more or less intense energy, and major or minor key. With just a few clicks, 3 demo versions of the song will be generated, which can be listened to and evaluated.

Loudly's artificial intelligence allows creating complete musical ideas in a fun way, which can then be further developed.

Customizing and Modifying Your Creations

Once the initial compositions are generated, Loudly allows access to a virtual recording studio to further customize them. Inside the music editor, you can modify parameters such as the overall duration of the song, BPM tempo, and the energy level of the composition.

You'll also have full control over the mixer, to add sound effects to individual instrumental or vocal tracks. A very useful function is the ability to intervene on the tracks created by AI or to modify songs already present in the library. This way, you can transform the initial ideas, making them even more personal and effective for the desired use.

Distribute and Monetize Your Music

Loudly's paid plans allow users to fully exploit the economic potential of their musical creations. With the various subscriptions, it's possible to distribute your songs to major online music stores like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and others.

From your control panel, you'll have access to the publication status of songs and metrics related to plays on various platforms. Furthermore, thanks to complete rights monetization, it will be possible to earn a percentage of the royalties generated from streaming. This feature is useful for both emerging artists looking for earnings and music producers wishing to commercially exploit the tracks created with AI.

Paid and Free Plans

Loudly offers 3 different paid plans that go beyond the free functionalities and allow professional use of the application.

The Personal plan is ideal for those who create content continuously: it allows generating 300 songs per month with a maximum duration of 3 and a half minutes. It includes 300 high-quality downloads, 5 track bundles, and 20 studio exports per month.

The Pro plan is designed for more demanding users, with 1000 songs, 500 downloads, and advanced functions for editing and sharing music.

Particularly interesting is the Music Distribution, an additional service purchasable with Personal and Pro plans. It allows distributing your songs on all major streaming platforms automatically.

Earnings from plays on various platforms are credited monthly, retaining 100% of the rights. An essential service for those wishing to professionally spread and monetize their creations. Loudly also offers licenses for using the tracks in broadcast and live DJ sets, making the compositions suitable for any context.


CREATE (and Sell!) MUSIC with Loudly's Artificial Intelligence!
Official website

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Loudly è uno strumento all'avanguardia che utilizza l'intelligenza artificiale per semplificare e rendere accessibile la creazione musicale. Ciò che distingue Loudly è la sua capacità di offrire un controllo totale sulla creazione musicale, consentendo agli utenti di personalizzare ogni aspetto dei loro brani, dal genere agli strumenti, al tempo e oltre..

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Loudly offre diverse opzioni di piani a pagamento che consentono agli utenti di distribuire la propria musica sui principali store online e gestire i guadagni ottenuti. Con questi piani, gli utenti possono diffondere la propria musica su piattaforme come Spotify, Apple Music e Amazon Music, e guadagnare dalle entrate generate dallo streaming..

Loudly offre tre piani a pagamento: Personal, Pro e Music Distribution. Il piano Personal consente di generare fino a 300 canzoni al mese, mentre il piano Pro offre funzionalità avanzate con un massimo di 1000 canzoni al mese. Il servizio Music Distribution, disponibile con i piani Personal e Pro, consente di distribuire automaticamente la musica su varie piattaforme streaming. Tutti i piani includono opzioni per la modifica e la personalizzazione delle tracce musicali..

Per ulteriori informazioni su Loudly, è possibile visitare il sito ufficiale o contattare il supporto clienti tramite i canali di comunicazione forniti sulla piattaforma..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 20/04/2024 - Crea musica con intelligenza artificiale di Loudly ed inizia a guadagnare

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