Spotify cashback carte crypto 2024

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Spotify has emerged as the undisputed reference point for millions of people worldwide. The Swedish platform offers a wide range of options, from personalized playlists to podcasts, from music tracks to audiobooks, ensuring a seamless and high-quality experience for music enthusiasts of all genres. However, despite its popularity and the wide availability of free content, many users desire access to Spotify's premium features for an ad-free experience and advanced functionalities.

Spotify cashback carte crypto 2024

The Spotify premium subscription offers a range of benefits beyond just ad removal. With full access to the extensive music library, the ability to listen offline, and enhanced audio quality, premium subscribers can fully enjoy their listening experience. However, upgrading to Spotify's premium version may represent an additional cost for many users, especially considering the current economic climate.

Fortunately, thanks to recent innovations in the cryptocurrency sector, there are new opportunities to gain additional benefits from Spotify's premium subscription. Cards like and Plutus are introducing new ways to make cryptocurrency usage an integral part of everyday life, offering incentives such as cashback and rewards for purchases. Among these opportunities is the ability to earn cashback on Spotify's premium subscription using these crypto cards, allowing users to save money while experiencing the benefits of cryptocurrencies.

In this article, we will explore in detail how these crypto cards work and how you can leverage cashback to get a discounted or even free Spotify premium subscription. We'll analyze two of the leading cards available on the market, and, comparing their features and evaluating the benefits they offer to users. Additionally, we'll examine the security and privacy implications of using these cards, providing helpful tips to maximize benefits and protect personal data.

With the growing interest in cryptocurrencies and the increasing adoption of digital services like Spotify, the opportunity to earn cashback on the premium subscription represents an innovative way to bridge the world of streaming music with cryptocurrencies. Keep reading to discover how you can make the most of this new frontier in saving and using cryptocurrencies to enhance your listening experience on Spotify.

Table of Contents

Spotify cashback - Spotify Subscription

Spotify cashback carte crypto 2024 - Mr Paloma

Spotify Free is the free version of the service, which differs from the paid version mainly by including advertisements during music playback. To access it, you only need to provide a valid email address, without the need to provide credit card details. However, there are some limitations, such as the ability to listen to your own music abroad for a maximum of 14 days, mobile playback limited to certain playlists, and a limit of 6 song skips per hour. Additionally, only podcasts can be downloaded for offline listening.

The audio quality of Spotify Free varies depending on the playback mode and connection: via the web player, you can have a maximum support of AAC 128 kbit/s, while via apps and software, it ranges from AAC 24 kbit/s to AAC 160 kbit/s.

On the other hand, Spotify Premium is the paid version that offers numerous benefits, such as ad-free listening, the ability to download songs for offline listening, and unlimited song skips. Currently, it has 210 million subscribers, with significant growth in recent years.

Premium plans include ad-free music, downloads for offline listening, unlimited and in any order playback, superior audio quality, and the ability to listen with friends in real-time, in addition to managing the listening queue.

In summary, Spotify Free is the free version with advertisements, while Premium plans, which start from €5.99 per month for university students, offer various options like Premium for individuals, Duo, or Family, with prices ranging from €10.99 to €17.99 per month. You can enjoy a one- or two-month free trial for rotating Premium plans, and payment can be made through various methods, including credit card, PayPal, and gift cards.

The new Spotify Premium pricing starting from July 24, 2023:
Individual: €10.99 per month (1 account)
Duo: €14.99 per month (2 accounts)
Family: €17.99 per month (6 accounts)
Student: €5.99 per month (1 student account enrolled in university)

Spotify cashback -

Spotify cashback carte crypto 2024 - Mr Paloma's credit card offers a unique opportunity for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to gain exclusive benefits at no initial cost. To apply for this card, users need to stake tokens that will be locked on the platform for a period of six months. At the end of this period, users can choose to withdraw the tokens and forfeit the benefits or keep them staked to continue receiving cashback.

A key feature is the flexibility offered to users, who can unstake tokens at any time and with just a few clicks, without any time constraint once the six months have passed. The card functions like a regular rechargeable VISA card and can be easily used via Apple Pay, Google Pay, and for contactless payments.

All other operations and functionalities are automatically managed through the portal, relieving users of any concerns. The Card, issued by, is a rechargeable VISA debit card that offers different types depending on the number of CRO tokens staked for six months. These cards offer a range of benefits that vary based on the level of tokens staked.

However, it's important to note that the basic version of the card doesn't offer additional benefits; to get significant discounts, it's necessary to stake at least €350 worth of CRO tokens on the platform. In return, users can receive a metal card that offers a premium touch experience.

While in the past the card has offered

interesting cashback on services like Spotify
and Netflix, in 2024 the conditions have worsened. However, the advantage remains in being a globally accepted VISA card, allowing users to use their cryptocurrencies for online and offline purchases securely and conveniently. Whether it's e-commerce or physical stores, the card ensures a hassle-free payment experience with maximum security.

The discounts for Spotify and Netflix expire six months after card activation (i.e., issuing a virtual card) for new users with Royal Indigo, Jade Green, and Ruby Steel. Cardholders who upgrade the card level or CRO stake will enjoy the refund benefits offered with the new card level for six months from the date of the upgrade.

The benefits of refunds for merchants will not expire after six months for cardholders who upgrade to Icy White, Frosted Rose Gold, or Obsidian cards and will remain active for as long as the cardholder maintains one of these cards.

By signing up with the link, you can receive a $25 bonus as a referral reward. Use the referral code vhcyrttjda.

Spotify cashback - Plutus

Spotify cashback carte crypto 2024 - Mr Paloma
The Plutus card offers its holders a unique opportunity for savings through cryptocurrency cashback, allowing them to save up to €10 on their Spotify subscription. This means that if the cost of the Spotify subscription is less than €10, the user can enjoy the service for free thanks to the monthly reimbursement of approximately €10 in PLU.

The Plutus Perks program represents one of the main money-saving features offered by Plutus, allowing users to earn additional PLU Rewards on specific brands. Plutus Perks are packages of PLU Rewards earned when making transactions with certain merchants. Additional benefits can be unlocked by increasing the subscription plan and/or the reward level, and these renew monthly.

All Plutus users with a subscription plan are entitled to at least 1 perk, and the number can be increased up to a total of 12 perks based on the subscription plan and reward level of their account.

For example, by activating the Spotify Perk and paying for the service with the Plutus card, you will receive a monthly reimbursement equal to the fee paid. The same applies to the Spotify Premium service or even Deliveroo Plus, allowing users to get an additional benefit of about €10 per month.

The Plutus card offers a range of benefits, including the opportunity to receive cashback on a wide range of stores and services used daily. The Plutus card can be topped up via SEPA international transfer, the second can only be topped up using the available balance. However, once loaded onto the card, funds cannot be moved anymore and can only be used for purchases.

Additionally, the user level varies based on the PLU tokens staked, offering greater benefits on crypto rewards.

By signing up with the link, you can receive €10 as a referral bonus.

How Plutus Perks work

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Spotify Free è la versione gratuita del servizio che include annunci pubblicitari durante la riproduzione musicale e alcune limitazioni come la riproduzione offline limitata a podcast e un massimo di 6 salti di brano all'ora. Spotify Premium, invece, è la versione a pagamento che offre vantaggi come l'ascolto senza pubblicità, la riproduzione offline illimitata e la qualità audio superiore..

Gli abbonati Premium di Spotify godono di vari vantaggi, tra cui l'ascolto senza pubblicità, la possibilità di scaricare brani per l'ascolto offline, la riproduzione illimitata e in qualsiasi ordine, la qualità audio superiore e la gestione della coda di ascolto..

I piani Premium includono Individual, Duo, Family e Student, con prezzi che variano da 10,99€ al mese per l'Individual a 5,99€ al mese per lo Student. Il costo può variare in base alla regione e esistono prove gratuite per i nuovi utenti..

Carte come e Plutus offrono la possibilità di ottenere cashback sull'abbonamento Premium di Spotify utilizzando criptovalute. Gli utenti possono impegnare token per ottenere vantaggi esclusivi come cashback o rimborso mensile sull'abbonamento.. offre una carta di debito Visa ricaricabile che richiede il blocco di token per ottenere vantaggi come cashback. I vantaggi possono variare a seconda del livello di token impegnati e dell'attività dell'utente..

La carta Plutus offre cashback in criptovaluta, incluso un rimborso mensile sull'abbonamento a Spotify fino a un massimo di 10 euro. Gli utenti possono attivare il vantaggio di Spotify e pagare il servizio con la carta Plutus per ricevere il rimborso mensile..

Le condizioni e i vantaggi offerti dalle carte crypto possono variare nel tempo. È importante verificare le condizioni attuali e i termini del programma di cashback offerti da, Plutus e altre piattaforme..

Per ottenere una carta crypto come quelle offerte da o Plutus, è necessario registrarsi sulle rispettive piattaforme, completare eventuali requisiti di verifica e seguire i passaggi per richiedere la carta desiderata..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 18/04/2024 - Spotify cashback carte crypto 2024

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