Storybird AI tutorial italiano gratuito

First and foremost, it's essential to understand how to create a prompt, which is the sentence describing the basic idea of our narrative. To get the most out of Storybird, the prompt should be rich in details but also leave room for the creativity of artificial intelligence. We will analyze some practical examples of well-constructed prompts and prompts that are too vague or limiting.
After creating a free account, we will get into the heart of the creative process. We'll explain how to insert the text, choose the illustration style we prefer from the options provided, and modify and expand the story by adding or removing pages. We'll also explore some tricks to enhance less satisfying images and texts.
Finally, we will examine all the possibilities of Storybird: from exporting to PDF to creating an ebook for Amazon, from sharing on social media to making a video with automatic narration. A comprehensive tutorial to fully exploit the versatility of this content creation tool based on artificial intelligence.
Table of Contents
- Storybird Tutorial - What is it
- Storybird Tutorial - Video Tutorial
- Storybird Tutorial - How to Create a Book
- Link
Storybird Tutorial - What is it
Storybird allows anyone to create visual stories in seconds. We curate artwork from illustrators worldwide and inspire writers of all ages to transform these images into original stories.It's a simple idea that has attracted millions of writers, readers, and artists to our platform. Families and friends, teachers and students, amateurs and professionals have created over 30 million stories, making Storybird one of the largest storytelling communities globally.
Storybird AI is an online platform that enables creating beautiful illustrated books quickly and easily through artificial intelligence. Just input a brief description of the plot in mind, and Storybird automatically generates a complete book with coherent texts and images.
You can choose from various artistic styles to personalize graphics and atmosphere. Once the initial draft is created, you can modify and expand the story by adding or removing pages until you achieve the desired result. Lastly, Storybird's versatility allows you to export the book to PDF, create an ebook for online sale, or even produce a video with automatic narration. In short, a powerful tool to bring your imagination to life.
Storybird Tutorial - Video Tutorial is an incredibly useful artificial intelligence tool that allows you to create beautiful illustrated stories from scratch, generating real books that can be downloaded or published (and sold) on Amazon.
It's based on the world of stories, suitable for children's readings but not limited to, with the right approach, it can develop stories of any kind.
Storybird Tutorial - How to Create a Book
Register an account, describe the idea with a prompt, choose the illustration style, generate and edit the draft, regenerate images if necessary, then export and share your story as an ebook or video.Registration
To begin, create a free account on by entering your details and a valid email. You will be provided with 5 initial credits to generate 5 stories.Prompt Input
The prompt is a sentence describing the basic idea of the story with some key details but leaving room for AI creativity. It should be rich in details but not overly specific.Style Selection
Storybird offers various illustration styles, such as watercolor, sketch, vintage, fantasy. Choose the one that suits the type of story you want to create.Draft Generation
With the prompt and style input, Storybird automatically produces an initial draft of the story with coherent texts and images. It serves as the base to develop.Story Editing
You can edit the story by adding, removing, or rewriting pages and content. The goal is to achieve a complete narrative that satisfies you.Image Regeneration
If necessary, you can regenerate specific images to make them more suitable for the final texts. Each regeneration costs 1 credit.Export and Share
Once the book is complete, you can export it to PDF or create an ebook to publish on Amazon. Alternatively, generate a video with automatic narration of the story.Link
https://storybird.aiCreate ILLUSTRATED STORIES and BOOKS with Artificial Intelligence - Tutorial
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Storybird AI è una piattaforma online che utilizza l'intelligenza artificiale per creare storie illustrate in modo rapido e semplice. Consente agli utenti di generare libri completi con testi e immagini a partire da brevi descrizioni della trama..
Dopo la registrazione e l'inserimento di un prompt che descrive l'idea di base della storia, Storybird genera automaticamente una bozza con testi e immagini coerenti. Gli utenti possono quindi personalizzare e modificare la storia secondo le proprie preferenze..
I passaggi principali includono la registrazione di un account gratuito, la descrizione dell'idea con un prompt dettagliato, la scelta dello stile di illustrazione, la generazione e modifica della bozza, la rigenerazione delle immagini se necessario, e infine l'esportazione e la condivisione della storia..
Il prompt è una frase che descrive l'idea di base della storia. Deve essere ricco di dettagli, ma lasciare spazio alla creatività dell'intelligenza artificiale. È la base su cui Storybird genera la storia..
Storybird offre diversi stili di illustrazione, tra cui acquerello, sketch, vintage e fantastico. Gli utenti possono scegliere lo stile che meglio si adatta al tipo di storia che desiderano creare..
Dopo la generazione della bozza, gli utenti possono modificare la storia aggiungendo, eliminando o riscrivendo pagine e contenuti. L'obiettivo è ottenere una narrazione completa e soddisfacente..
Una volta completata la storia, gli utenti possono esportarla in PDF, creare un ebook per la pubblicazione online su piattaforme come Amazon, o generare un video con la lettura automatica della storia..
Gli utenti ricevono inizialmente 5 crediti, ciascuno dei quali consente la generazione di una storia. Ogni rigenerazione di immagini aggiuntiva costa 1 credito..
Storybird è adatto a un vasto pubblico, inclusi scrittori di tutte le età, insegnanti, studenti, dilettanti e professionisti. La piattaforma è progettata per ispirare la creatività e la condivisione di storie..
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