IFTTT come automatizzare la propria vita

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IFTTT come automatizzare la propria vita
IFTTT (an acronym for If This Then That) is a free online tool that allows you to automate actions and repetitive tasks by connecting various services and applications. It operates through recipes called applets that follow the logic if this happens, then do that.

For example, you can create an applet that automatically saves Gmail attachments to Google Drive or adds songs to your Spotify playlist when you like them on YouTube. The possibilities are endless! IFTTT supports hundreds of apps and services, ranging from social networks to voice assistants, and from smart home devices to productivity apps.

In this video tutorial, we'll explore in detail how to make the most of IFTTT to automate numerous daily activities, saving precious time. After a quick introduction to what IFTTT is and how it works, we'll move on to the practical part.

We'll create our first step-by-step applet: defining the trigger (the condition that triggers the automation) and choosing the service and action to activate in response. For example: when I receive a new email (trigger), save it to Google Drive (service and action).

We'll then explore the IFTTT app for smartphones, which allows you to activate and manage applets conveniently from your phone. We'll also show how to explore the catalog of ready-made automations for various areas, from home automation to social networks.

Finally, for the more advanced users, we'll explain how to create applets from scratch using webhooks and advanced integrations. You'll learn everything you need to know to harness the potential of IFTTT and optimize workflows, save time, and keep your digital life under control.

Official website IFTTT.com

Table of Contents

IFTTT - What it is and how it works

IFTTT (If This Then That) is a free service that allows you to create automated workflows, called applets, by connecting various online services and applications.

It operates on the principle if this happens, then do that. Each applet consists of a trigger, the condition that starts the automation, and an action, what happens in response. Triggers and actions can come from hundreds of apps supported by IFTTT.

Let's take a practical example. I can create an applet with the trigger new photo uploaded on Instagram and the action save photo to Dropbox. This way, every time I post a new photo on my Instagram profile, it will be automatically saved to my Dropbox space without any manual action on my part.

In essence, IFTTT allows various online services to communicate with each other, saving the user from repetitive manual tasks. The goal is to simplify digital workflows.

After linking your IFTTT accounts (e.g., Gmail, Dropbox, Instagram), you can choose triggers and actions from a library of options, and you're good to go!

In just a few minutes, you can set up an automated applet or explore the catalog of ready-made ones created by other users for various purposes. All of this is done quickly, intuitively, and without the need for programming knowledge.

IFTTT - Video tutorial

YouTube Video

IFTTT is an online service that allows users to create applets, which are custom rules connecting different online services and devices. These applets are based on conditional statements like if this happens, then do that.

IFTTT - What can we do with IFTTT

Explore the functionalities and potential of IFTTT to automate digital life, with a focus on major use cases.

Here's a bulleted list of what will be explained:
Receive a notification when the International Space Station passes over your home
Put your smartphone on silent when you arrive at work
Automatically save Instagram photos to Dropbox, Evernote, or a Facebook page
Add liked YouTube songs to your Spotify playlist
Receive a notification on Alexa when the dryer or washing machine finishes its cycle
Introduction to IFTTT and how it works
Creation of applets, from choosing conditions to actions
Practical examples of automation for Gmail, Android, social media, and more
Advanced tips to make the most of IFTTT's capabilities
Productivity optimization and time-saving through intelligent automations

The main use cases of the IFTTT app, spanning from home to work and entertainment, with a specific focus on creating and managing applets.

IFTTT - WhatsApp

One of the main advantages of IFTTT is the ability to integrate and connect hundreds of apps and different services. WhatsApp is no exception.

You can create interesting automations with WhatsApp using the IFTTT service, saving valuable time and optimizing your activities.

For instance, you can set up automatic sending of WhatsApp messages when a specific event occurs, such as the publication of a new blog post. Alternatively, you can create an applet that automatically saves a copy of every new photo received on WhatsApp to Google Drive.

Moreover, you can receive instant push

on your mobile phone whenever you receive a new WhatsApp message. The options are numerous.

Thanks to the integration with IFTTT, you won't have to manually worry about forwarding or saving certain WhatsApp messages anymore. These and other operations will be performed automatically, allowing you to save valuable time.

WhatsApp and IFTTT, therefore, form a winning combination to make the daily management of your messages smarter, faster, and more efficient.

IFTTT - Prices

IFTTT come automatizzare la propria vita - Mr Paloma
IFTTT offers various subscription plans based on your needs, starting with a completely free basic level.

Free Plan

The Free plan allows you to use 2 applets at a time and access all essential platform features. It's ideal for testing and getting started.

PRO Plan

The Pro level, priced at €2.40 per month, allows you to create up to 20 applets, enjoy faster speeds, and additional features like multi-action applets and advanced Twitter usage.

PRO+ Plan

Then there's the Pro+ plan, which at €4.70 per month opens the doors to the full power of IFTTT, with nearly limitless possibilities: an unlimited number of applets, exclusive features, developer tools, priority customer support, and more.

The Pro and Pro+ plans are suitable for those who want to fully leverage the platform, such as for business, smart home automation, or intensive personal use.

In summary, IFTTT allows you to start easily and for free, gradually expanding the platform's capabilities as needed. Affordable prices and various available tiers cater to any type of customer.

IFTTT - Links

Automate Your Digital Life with IFTTT! Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Applets and Saving Time


IFTTT, acronimo di If This Then That, è uno strumento online gratuito che automatizza azioni e compiti ripetitivi collegando diversi servizi e applicazioni. Funziona tramite applet che seguono la logica se accade questo, allora fai quello, dove il trigger è la condizione che attiva l'automazione, e l'azione è ciò che succede in risposta..

Dopo aver collegato i tuoi account IFTTT, puoi creare applet scegliendo trigger e azioni desiderate da una libreria di opzioni. Puoi anche esplorare il catalogo di applet già pronti per vari utilizzi o creare applet personalizzati..

Le possibilità sono infinite! Puoi automatizzare attività come ricevere notifiche specifiche, salvare automaticamente foto, aggiungere brani a playlist, ricevere avvisi da elettrodomestici, e molto altro..

Il tutorial video copre un'introduzione a IFTTT e al suo funzionamento, la creazione di applet step-by-step definendo trigger e azioni, l'uso dell'app IFTTT per smartphone, esplorare applet già pronti, e suggerimenti avanzati per creare applet personalizzati..

Puoi integrare WhatsApp con IFTTT per automatizzare operazioni come l'invio automatico di messaggi in risposta a eventi specifici, il salvataggio automatico di foto su Google Drive, o ricevere notifiche istantanee per nuovi messaggi..

IFTTT offre tre piani: Free (gratuito, 2 applet alla volta), PRO (2,40€/mese, fino a 20 applet, velocità superiori), e PRO+ (4,70€/mese, applet illimitati, funzionalità esclusive, supporto prioritario). I piani PRO sono indicati per un uso più avanzato e intensivo..

Puoi utilizzare IFTTT per automatizzare il backup di WhatsApp, ad esempio, salvando automaticamente su Google Drive una copia di ogni nuova foto ricevuta su WhatsApp..

I piani a pagamento, PRO e PRO+, sono ideali per coloro che desiderano sfruttare appieno la piattaforma, ad esempio in ambito business, smart home, o per un uso più intensivo a livello personale..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 05/12/2023 - IFTTT come automatizzare la propria vita

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