Truffa facebook come individuare le truffe e finte segnalazioni

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Truffa facebook come individuare le truffe e finte segnalazioni
Scams on Facebook are now a daily occurrence. With nearly 2.5 billion registered users worldwide, the popular social network has become fertile ground for scammers, who exploit the naivety and inexperience of many users to carry out various types of fraud.

The most common scam attempts circulating on Facebook, often heard about, are at least seven. They range from the classic phishing, where emails are sent to induce users to disclose their account details, to the sale of fake tickets for events, from fake gift cards to deceptive sales ads. Not to mention the well-known romantic scams, where wrongdoers try to establish fictitious romantic relationships and then extort money or blackmail the victims.

So how do you defend yourself from these insidious online scams that circulate on Facebook? Fortunately, there are several useful tips to follow that allow you to uncover most scam attempts before it's too late. For example, it's important to always carefully check the sender's address in phishing emails, ignore messages promising miraculous winnings, and be very cautious when buying from private sellers.

To delve deeper into the topic and discover in detail all the most common scams on Facebook, along with valuable tips on how to expose and avoid them, there's a very useful video tutorial.

The tutorial provides valuable practical advice on how to expose the scam and avoid falling victim to it. From careful checking of links in phishing emails to never sharing compromising personal photos with supposed partners met online.

The video tutorial on Facebook scams is therefore an excellent tool both to learn about the most widespread scam techniques and to acquire useful practical countermeasures. A comprehensive visual guide to navigating Facebook more consciously and safely.

We also invite you to read our articles dedicated to email scams and the cloned Instagram profile scam for further information and useful advice.


Facebook Scam - Risks

The risks resulting from falling victim to one of the many scams circulating on Facebook are multiple and can have serious consequences. Firstly, by providing personal data and access credentials to scammers, as often requested in phishing messages, there is a risk of having one's profile completely violated.

Wrongdoers can access the profile to read private messages, post offensive content under our name, or even contact our friends posing as us, with possible requests for money. Furthermore, having access to the profile, they could activate paid services linked to our Facebook account, generating unwanted charges.

In addition to the possible financial loss, another risk is reputational. Offensive comments or embarrassing content shared by scammers under our name would damage our credibility in the eyes of friends and colleagues. Finally, sharing personal photos and private information with strangers in the context of simulated online romantic relationships exposes to the danger of extortion, with demands for money to avoid the public dissemination of such content.

The risks are multiple: violation of privacy, loss of money, reputational consequences, extortion. It is therefore crucial to know and expose these insidious scams before it's too late.

Facebook Scam - Video Tutorial

YouTube Video

Many messages and notifications are coming from fake Facebook pages urging to click on fraudulent links. These are scam attempts that have already caused many victims and risk leading to unpleasant consequences, such as the loss of the entire profile.

Facebook Scam - How to Identify Scams

On Facebook, there is a proliferation of pages created ad hoc by wrongdoers with the sole purpose of scamming users. How to understand if a page is authentic or if there is an attempted scam? There are some warning signs that should make us suspicious.

Firstly, it is necessary to closely examine the page's name: it often contains typos or small modifications compared to the official name of a brand. For example, Facebok instead of Facebook. The page's creation date can also reveal a lot: if it was created only a few days or weeks ago, it's better to be cautious.

Another important element is the followers: an authentic page always has thousands or millions of followers, while fake ones have very few or even zero. Also, pay attention to the published content and the quality of the images: posts with many grammatical errors and blurry images indicate poor professionalism.

Finally, a very useful trick is to search for the suspicious page on a search engine: by typing its full name, it is likely that articles will appear exposing it as fake. In this way, by googling the page before interacting with it, we can discover in advance whether it is a scam or not.

Facebook Scam - What to Do

The best thing to do when you realize that a page on Facebook is actually a scam is to immediately report it. Just go to the incriminated page, click on the menu with the three dots in the upper right, select Report page, and then choose the most appropriate option among those proposed by Facebook, such as It's a scam. After sending the report, it is also crucial to block the page: by clicking again on the menu with the three dots and then on Block.

This way, not only do you contribute to ensuring that the fraudulent page is removed as soon as possible from Facebook, but you also protect yourself from further risks or annoyances that could arise. It is a simple but fundamental gesture to make your experience on the social network safer and more enjoyable.

Facebook Scam - Types of Scams

Scams on Facebook can take various forms. Let's look at the main ones:


Phishing is the most widespread type of scam. It involves massive sending of emails, pretending to be from Facebook, in which the user is asked to enter access credentials to the social network for alleged security reasons or data updates. In reality, the goal is to steal usernames and passwords to take over the account. Often the message contains links that redirect to clone sites impossible to distinguish from Facebook. By providing their credentials, scammers can access the profile to read private messages, post offensive content, and contact the victim's friends.

Sale of Fake Tickets

Scammers create a clone event for a popular concert or show and sell tickets at inflated prices, which obviously will not grant access to the venue on the event day. Even if an external ticketing system to Facebook is used, these systems often consider themselves not responsible in case of scams.

Invalid Gift Cards

Through a fake profile, scammers publish posts offering discount codes or gift cards from well-known brands, inviting users to fill out a form with personal data to receive them. Obviously, not only will the cards never arrive, but the data will be used for subsequent scams or identity theft.

Love Story

Scammers create fake profiles and through messages try to establish fake romantic relationships with victims. The goal is to extort money by inventing dramatic personal situations or blackmailing them by threatening to spread the personal photos they exchanged.
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Facebook Scam - Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace, the section of the social network dedicated to buying and selling products between private individuals, is becoming a very fertile ground for scams. Both buyers and sellers fall victim to various types of scams.

One of the most common is phishing: the user receives requests through Messenger to communicate their personal and banking details under the pretext of finalizing the transaction. In reality, scammers will gain valuable information for identity theft or unauthorized access to bank accounts and cards.

Another recurring scam is the sale of counterfeit products: the seller sends the buyer a low-quality item or one not conforming to the description after receiving the payment.

Finally, with the buyer's scam, after receiving the ordered and paid-for item, the buyer opens a dispute claiming to have never received it or that the package was empty. In this way, they obtain a refund, cheating the seller.

The consequences of these scams on Marketplace can be the theft of personal data and banking credentials, loss of earnings, Facebook account block, and even legal actions.

Facebook Scam - How to Defend Yourself

Uncovering scam attempts on Facebook and defending yourself is possible by following some useful precautions. Firstly, great attention should be given to emails and messages that ask you to click on links or enter personal data and access credentials for the social network. These requests are almost always a clear sign of phishing.

You should also be wary of overly advantageous offers, such as gift coupons or gift cards, and sellers who require transactions outside Facebook's official platforms. A quick Google search of the seller's name can help uncover any negative feedback.

It is also important to thoroughly check the page of the organizer of an event before buying tickets that could turn out to be fake or invalid.

Finally, great caution should be exercised in exchanging personal photos and confidences with perfect strangers to avoid dangerous blackmail.

In general, a touch of healthy skepticism and adherence to simple rules can help users recognize the vast majority of scam attempts on the social network.


Beware of this FACEBOOK SCAM and fake page reports
Facebook Recognizing Scams


Rischi principali includono la violazione della privacy, perdita di denaro, danni reputazionali, e possibilità di ricatti. Fornire dati personali e credenziali di accesso può portare a compromissi del profilo e a conseguenze finanziarie e reputazionali negative..

Campanelli d'allarme includono errori nel nome della pagina, una data di creazione recente, pochi o nessun follower, contenuti di bassa qualità e un rapido controllo su un motore di ricerca per smascherare pagine sospette..

Segnala immediatamente la pagina truffaldina a Facebook utilizzando l'opzione Segnala pagina. Blocca la pagina per evitare ulteriori rischi. Questa azione contribuirà a rimuovere la pagina e proteggerti da possibili fastidi futuri..

Le truffe includono phishing (tentativi di ottenere credenziali), vendita di biglietti falsi per eventi, regali di gift card fasulle, truffe romantiche, e truffe su Facebook Marketplace (phishing, vendita di prodotti contraffatti, truffe dell'acquirente)..

Evita di cliccare su link sospetti o fornire dati sensibili. Sii cauto riguardo a offerte troppo vantaggiose e transazioni al di fuori delle piattaforme ufficiali di Facebook. Verifica attentamente le pagine e gli eventi prima di interagire e mantieni un sano scetticismo nelle relazioni online..

Puoi approfondire l'argomento tramite il video tutorial, che fornisce consigli pratici su come smascherare le truffe su Facebook. Leggi anche gli articoli dedicati alle e-mail truffa e alla truffa del profilo Instagram clonato per ulteriori informazioni e suggerimenti utili..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 01/12/2023 - Truffa facebook come individuare le truffe e finte segnalazioni

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