Tradurre video con intelligenza artificiale Dubformer

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Tradurre video con intelligenza artificiale Dubformer
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the world of translation and video dubbing. Thanks to Dubformer, a new AI-based tool, it is possible to translate and dub a video in over 70 different languages.

Dubformer is incredibly easy to use. Just upload your video or enter the link to a video on YouTube or TikTok. In just a few minutes, you'll receive the translated and dubbed video via email.

You can choose to remove the original audio or keep it in the background. The original and translated subtitles can be downloaded as separate files.

Dubformer supports translation from Italian and 17 other languages into over 70 target languages. The first 5-minute trial is free, and then the service is available at a cost of $1 per minute.

It's also ideal for translating YouTube videos into Italian.

Thanks to this revolutionary tool based on Artificial Intelligence, it is possible to easily reach new markets and expand your audience globally. Translating and dubbing videos has never been so simple!

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If you're interested in AI-based sites for translating audio into various languages, we've also written an article Artificial intelligence translates video and audio with Rask AI

Table of Contents

Translate and Dub a Video - Dubformer

Dubformer is an artificial intelligence-based video translation and dubbing service that allows you to localize content in over 70 languages in just a few minutes.

How Dubformer Works

Dubformer uses advanced neural networks to provide contextual translation, which involves several steps:

Speech recognition: transcribes spoken words into text
Speaker identification: distinguishes the voices of different speakers
Automatic translation with machine learning
Subtitle generation
Voice synthesis: produces the translated audio using different voices

Thanks to this integrated process, you get a professionally dubbed video in another language.

You can manually edit the translation or rely on Dubformer's experts for corrections and to improve accuracy.

Advantages of Dubformer

Dubformer offers numerous advantages: cost savings, scalability, copyright protection, speed, flexibility, customization, and broadcast-quality.

Reduced video localization costs by up to 30%
Localization scalability for sustainable growth
Content protection through copyright policies
On-time delivery
Quick changes at every stage of the process
Personalized approach based on content
Guaranteed broadcast-quality

Translate and Dub a Video - Video Tutorial

YouTube Video is a fantastic tool that allows you to translate and dub a video (even if it's on YouTube or TikTok) into over 70 languages, using the same speaker's voice. You can use it to create your content and share it worldwide, translating the video into English, Chinese, Indian, or any other language. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, voice cloning is excellent, with just a few seconds of video, it can reproduce emotions, tone, and timbre. It still needs some improvement to have perfectly synchronized lip movements, but the result is already very good.

Translate and Dub a Video - Prices

Dubformer's prices are extremely competitive compared to traditional translation and dubbing services. The platform offers 5 minutes of completely free trial, allowing you to test the main features and appreciate the service's quality.

After the free 5-minute trial, you can purchase additional minutes at the cost of $1 per minute of translated and dubbed video. This is a very reasonable price, considering that for a 60-second video, you would spend around $60.

By purchasing larger minute packages, the cost per minute decreases even further. For example, when buying a 30-minute package, the cost for each single minute is approximately $0.8. Considering that professional translation and dubbing services usually cost hundreds of euros per minute of video, Dubformer's prices are extremely advantageous.

In summary, the affordability of Dubformer lies in the combination of very competitive prices compared to competitors and professional quality guaranteed by artificial intelligence. It's an ideal solution for translating and dubbing videos at accessible costs, saving 70-80% compared to traditional providers.

Translate and Dub a Video - Link

Dubformer: TRANSLATE and DUB a VIDEO in 70 languages thanks to AI

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 29/10/2023 - Tradurre video con intelligenza artificiale Dubformer

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